Thursday, October 11, 2012

Is there heaven?

Life after death experience by an American neurosurgeon. Read more here and here ...  


Lim Chwee Cheng said...

To get a balanced view, you should read DR.Colin Blakemore's article at

William said...

Lim, Thanks for your link. When it comes to something spiritual and religious, or in fact anything like this, there will always be counter claim by scientific means. Man are self made smart and cos we know so much, we tried to package God ... unless I see you, I don't believe! This is very normal for human. However, when we see a piece of furniture or building or any structure, immediately we know that some humans made it. When we look into the universe, we tried to use scientific explanation. Why so many human don't ask who created it? Because many men believe only by seeing. Faith is believing without seeing.