Monday, April 07, 2008

Noticing And Nurturing Others

Jesus did not want anyone to know where they were, because He was teaching His disciples.
Mark 9:30-31 NIV
Some of us are like the woman who bragged, "My husband and I have a great marriage. There's nothing I wouldn't do for him and nothing he wouldn't do for me. And that's the way we go through life - doing nothing for each other!"
Self-centred, profit-driven leaders often overlook the needs of the very people who can help them reach their goals. They fail to take the time to invest in those they work with. And when a person feels like they're not noticed or nurtured, they get restless and start looking for greener pastures. This is particularly true when a leader is so overwhelmed by the tasks at hand that they fail to appreciate and invest in their people - which includes noticing skill sets which are right under their nose. J.C. Penney started out as a stock-room worker. King David started out as a harp-strumming shepherd.
Jesus took uninterrupted time with His disciples, explaining to them things that the crowd wasn't privy to. He knew if you want a return, you've got to invest! Smart leaders put the interests of their team members ahead of their own. C. Gene Wilkes observed: "Team leaders genuinely believe that they do not have all the answers - so they do not insist on providing them. They believe they do not need to make all key decisions - so they do not do so. They believe they cannot succeed without the combined contributions of all the other members of the team to a common end - so they avoid any action that might constrain inputs or intimidate anyone on the team. Ego is not their predominant concern."

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