Sunday, September 20, 2009

What you are eating?

One of the ingredients used to bake cake was "white chocolate". After a little effort, Janice found the ingredient in a super mart near our home. Thinking that it was good stuff because she paid quite a lot of money for it. To her dismay, her cake was a complete failure. Thinking that it must be her fault, she tried again and failed again. So, she looked at the "ingredients" used to make the white chocolate. Actually, there is no "coco powder" at all. It is just a bar of "fat"! Price? It is almost the same as what she paid for in UK.
Ok, I am talking about something else today. This black moon cake attracted my attention...
I have to admit that it looks "beautiful". So, we finished off in no time. Then my wife asked "Do you know that you are eating charcoal?". Huh?? Checking the label...
Yes, we are eating charcoal! Actually eating charcoal could well be healthy because it is used in medical for neutralising poison. But is this charcoal purified and harmless? If yes, next time, the hospital can used this moon cake to treat poisoning! Or, eat this moon cake if we have been eating too much "rubbish" over the holiday.
By the way, looking at the picture, you would guess that the core was an egg yolk. But, check again. Egg was not part of the ingredient. Where is the yellow colour from? Does it mean that there are more "ingredient" not listed?


Jean said...

oh my..charcoal powder as ingredient? no wonder it's as black as charcoal. no other. gonna check the label each and every time fr now onwards.

ps you're invited to comment on my post too =)

chang yi said...

Nice thoughts!
We always need to be careful.
Need to use our nose too....Once I had kerosene...then it was found out the whole pile of forks and spoons were soaked in a bowl which had some kerosene accidentally (what they said)? Deliberate mistake or careless mistake? We never know.

William said...

SJ: LOL... ya. But purified charcoal is "healthy"!

CY: Yes, use your nose. Oh, a little kerosene is probably ok also. My mother told me that during the 2nd world war, the Japanese soldier forces their "victim" to drink kerosene in order to get confession.

lasapka said...

bro wil,

you should also try the type i eat.

Janice ♥ said...

In my public health lecture, there was 'dog shit' written on the food packages. Apparently one of the production line supervisors just got sacked that morning and he decided to take his revenge on the company. haha