Friday, July 18, 2008

Stay focus!
I had a chat this morning with my buddy Tien and we discussed about courses, profession, etc. He asked a question, "How many people have a job related to what they study?" The answer is "very few". He studied Mechanical Engineering majoring in Marine, I did E&E. Now, he is doing something with nothing to do with mechanical engineering. I am doing IT. So the conclusion is that it doesn't really matter what you study as long as you study something you enjoy. The most important is that you stay "focus" in pursuing your dream or what you really wanted to do in life.
So what has chicken here got anything to do with staying focus?

Tien was taught since young that if he wanted t o catch a chicken for dinner, he must first identify from the flock which one is the victim. Then zoom in on it and chase the fellow until you got it! In the process, many chicken from the flock will fly/jump everywhere to distract you. This is exactly how life is. Unless you stay focus and not to be distracted by many temptations, you will catch no chicken for dinner. You will be completely exhausted and your dream remain unrealised. That was exactly what I experienced when I was small as mummy always asked the kids to "catch" the chicken for dinner. They will fly everywhere and we ended up frustrated.

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