Sunday, June 22, 2008

Weekend Happening

As our 40DOP is drawing nearer, we are all getting busier. There are just too many things going on. First, there are still quite a lot to do for church renovation. We just have to trust God that everything will be ready for the simulcast this Saturday. Next, we need to sort out the participants list.
On Saturday, there was a I-youth get together with pot bless.

Followed by games. The idea is to prepare them for the 40DOP campaign. I believe everyone had a good time!

This morning, we have the Sunday School 40DOP kick off. I believe the children have a good time.

On Saturday, I paid Ah Ngu's Cell a surprise visit. I think they are doing well.

I like children. Their innocent look and smile on their face should make me more relaxed. He is one of the cutest boys always with broad smile whenever I pointed my camera on him! He belongs to Tien/Bee Gin

This morning Sunday service was at the e-library again. Next week, we should be returning to our church. Brother Paul was giving his announcement and encouragement on the 40DOP. Pastor Connie gave a fantastic sermon to coincide with the 40DOP. I will blog about it later.

There were some many last minute sorting out of fine details, registration, payment, new members, T-shirt, etc.

At end of everything, I saw one of my favourite boys. His smile also cheers me up. Also, he is so used to me pointing my lens at him that he automatically smile ... hahaha. He belongs to Simon/Kim.

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