In the process and with good intention, he was criticized for doing something foolish. Anyway, I think it is a good try.
However, in the advertisement, an important Chinese character is wrongly written rendering it meaningless...
The above word is supposed to be written "吉", ie, the upper stroke is longer than the stroke below. My son told me that there is no such word. However, if I take the Chinese character apart, it now means soil over the mouth... which is bad luck indeed! Otherwise, "吉" is supposed to mean good fortune or good luck! How can the advertiser made such a mistake or is it deliberate?!
5 comments: that you mentioned about the Chinese character wrongly written and means bad luck, maybe that also means Najib is about to face some bad luck in the next GE. :D
Dona.... hahaha. Anyone guess!
Me. William, stumbled upon your post from Miricommunity. The"吉" thing is because it a type of chinese brush calligraphy style and also to fit the layout.
Link to example below:-
I afraid I have to disagree with the youtube video. Chinese character is very strict in all the strokes. If the upper stroke is longer, it has to be written as such. Unless there is some reputable scholar who can tell me otherwise.
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