Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Ah Jon started his medicine

Ah Jon has started to treat his CML with Glivec since 21 April 2008. His first pill did not cause any side effect.
However, on the second day, he started to have throbbing headache and later, muscle pain, and then nausea. We brought him to see a GP in Asia Columbia, Dr. Chong, and he gave him some Panadol and anti-nausea. He took only 2 Panadols and his pain is now bearable. The good thing about him is that he can withstand some pain and will not eat medicine unnecessarily.
His body will probably take 2 weeks to adjust to the medicine.
Glivec is a designer drug. It also comes with two pages of possible side effect.
The box of 30 tablets in the tiny box above costs more than RM10,000! Thanks to my company who pay for the drug!
We will be doing a review on him this Saturday.

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