Saturday, December 27, 2008

Borneo Tropical Rainforest - 2nd day activities

Second day at the resort ... (View all related blogs) We had our breakfast at 7:30AM. It was raining since we arrived a day earlier. Fortunately, the rain was not heavy.

The breakfast was quite simple but more than sufficient... although the combination was quite interesting. But the kids love it... so no complain.

Mummy got ready... armed with umbrella. The resort provides all the umbrellas.

We went boating... unfortunately I didn't take any picture as I was busy rowing ...

Mummy in her safety float ...

... the children said there is "flying fox"... oh, no, it is this thingy... the expert demo first...

... then Ah Jon did it! He enjoyed every minute of it.

The team of experts... it was drizzling a little but we figured that there is no danger for lightning ...

We tried out some of the games ... for team building

Jos is brave leh ...

My trip was not complete if I didn't take pictures of flowers...

... and creeping creatures...

... and the children tried to figure out how the millipede coordinate the movement of so many legs...

We met the owner of the resort ... the friendly Mr Henry Lau. Our appreciation to him as he gave us a guided tour of the place.

Our appreciation to Bernard ... one of the supervisors there...

We have patin produced by the farm for lunch...


FM Luder said...

The patin looks very interesting:

"Patin, or silver catfish, is a freshwater fish. The most popular variety that is a favourite in Chinese restaurants is the patin buah. It is a pretty oily fish and has a fine texture. The patin has no scales on its body. In restaurants, patin can be steamed with soy sauce or prepared lemak or assam curry style. Because it loves to graze on muddy bottoms, the patin has that muddy flavour."

=0 muddy flavour?! But it looks so delicious.

William said...

Patin from natural habitat tastes wonderful! This particular cultured patin is not too bad either but it does carry a little muddy flavour. The patin from this farm is amongst the best I have tasted so far. There are many others whereby I won't even go near!

The patin here is cultured from "living" water because the lake is actually part of a stream before.

Ya, you are right. The cooking here is not bad at all. The patin was steamed and then hot gravy was added. Then slightly simmered.

Mykkon said...

The food look really nice. Thanks for Sharing. :O)