... The shop is just opposite the e-Mart BBQ Centre.

Ok... let me introduce you the friendly towkay... Christian! He is from Switzerland married to a local girl from Sibu. He has been a professional cook for 20 years! He handmade all the sausages himself from 100% meat!

This is smoked black pepper sausage ... hot from the oven.

After you tasted this, you will know what is real sausage!

At the moment, he made three varieties of sausages.

This is mushroom sausage made from his own special recipe!
By the way, he can do special delivery and now he has customer from as far as Kuching .

He made his own belly bacon... my favorite while I was studying overseas.

He also made his own smoked pork knuckle ....

Fresh and juicy!

Looking for premium quality minced meat? RM15/Kg.

After he collected the meat from the abatoir, they were chilled immediately to retain freshness. This is the correct way to store and handle fresh meat. I saw this kind of display & storage only in overseas.

Their prices are the same if not cheaper than other butcher. They have their own pig farm.

This is their young handsome son. Our Parliament are still debating whether to learn English or not... let's see what languages he speaks: BM, English, Mandarin, German and some Foochow. I am not sure what other languages he speaks but my mind stop registering after the long list!
Here is the GPS coordinate:
GPS: N04deg 28.704' E114deg 02.341'Contact mobile: Mr. Panzer Christian: +6014 877 2770 e-mail: porkyshop@gmail.com
This is a non-halal blogspot...haha..."devilish" pork...i love pork though it's not a good food.
Ya...non-halal food lah! Actually all food are not good if you consume too much. So, just control yourself but enjoy it!
I know his wife's father in Sibu. He owns the biggest pig farm in Sibu and probably Sarawak.
You should meet their kids. Look like Westerner but speak perfect Mandarin. Kudos to the parent.
Kong, I met the boy. Very handsome. He speaks so many languages... German, Mandarin, English, BM, a little Foochow, etc. Both parents speak German! Christian is now learning BM but have problem with Foochow! I have a good laugh with him yesterday over learning Foochow. HAHAHAHA
hahahah I suppose the whole church will buy real pork sausages here for the next church functions and home cooking!!
Delicious looking.
Actually the owner came to GMC.
The wife mother is a very devoted Methodist church leader in Sibu. A born leader with great speaking skill. So it's not strange that they went to GMC.
Kong, Pray for them so that they will continuously make time for God. I realise that for businessman starting their business, it seems a little difficult to cut out some time to worship Him. But it is very important because God challenged us in the bible to trust Him so that He has the opportunity to pour out His blessing upon us!
Sarawakiana, yes, I don't mind. They are really good!
Can you give me the GPS co-ordinate for this shop? Thanks.
How to go there:
GPS: N04deg 28.704' E114deg 02.341'
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