Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Weekend Happening
I was quite busy last weekend... took wedding photos for my colleague, Albert and then spend the Sunday in Church, shopping and then did the Discipleship 1 class.

I noticed that some girls love to paint their fingernails in the most fashionable manner. She was obviously admiring her "art"...

These two boys, sons of Richard Wong, are a happy lot! Their laughter can be highly contagious!

I forgot to mention that Joshua was given a pin hole camera as a gift last year. He anxiously assembled the camera and then requested for a roll of film. I didn't buy the film for him knowing that the photos taken can't be good. On the other hand, it may be a good idea to let him know that it actually works! Now, he has totally forgotten about the camera because...

... he is using this... the real stuff!

Over the weekend, I got a pair of 2nd hand roller blades for him. He loves them and went all over the place in them. He is a fast learner and go against our advice to wear protective gear. So...

... he got this! Came back home with blood over his knee, didn't cry and he could obviously withstand a lot of pain!

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