Sunday, September 21, 2008

This morning in GMC
I was in a little hurry this morning as I was about 10 minutes late. Then I noticed something different at the main door greeting...

I though I have not seen him before... so I greeted him and commented that he looks so smart ... oooo he is a visiting pastor from Kuching TMC, Pastor Patrick Taie!

The other greeters and ushers were all young people.... from Regina's CG.

Six of them...

Ps Patrick... his message is from John 2:1-11 about Jesus first miracle, turning water into wine. Have you invited Jesus into your life? Simply believe without question? That is what Mary instructed the servant to do at the party - just do as instructed. He can really sing and his preaching is very good! God has blessed him...

There were quite a lot of people in church this morning.

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