Sunday, August 03, 2008

How to cook chicken porridge

While talking to colleagues and friends, I realised that not many people actually cook porridge the way I do it. Since all my family members love my porridge, I must assumed that it must be quite reasonable. So, here it goes.... I will share with you how to cook porridge ... WT's ways.

1. Choice of rice
In fact, I am not very particular about this because I don't want to pressure myself unnecessarily. So, I use whatever it is available in the kitchen. This time, I use 1 cup brown rice + 1 cup white rice. The cup size is 200cc, ie, small cup. Total water is 4 litres.
Naturally, I have to wash the rice, drain and put in 4 litres of water. This should be able to serve 6-8 peoples, depending on how much each can eat.

Bring the rice to boil and then lower the fire so that it just simmer. Start timing from now and cook the rice for 20 more minutes.

While waiting for the rice, prepare 2 chicken (whole) legs, de-bone, and chop the meat. I also break the bones and put them in... but be careful to pick out small bone fragment, if you do this.

Add in 2 tablespoons of corn flour + 1 tablespoon of light soysauce

Mix well. The cornflour is to make the meat more tender - that is my theory! Without corn flour, the meat doesn't taste as good.

After 20 minutes of simmering the porridge, it should look like this. Otherwise, cook a little bit longer, just in case the fire is too small.

Put in the meat, stir well. Add salt and 1 chicken stock cube (or msg) to enhance taste.

Stir gently with max fire till the meat is cooked. I think about 8 minutes. The most important thing here is to ensure that the meat is not overcook. Otherwise, it is not nice.

Serve with whatever you fancy or as it is.
Important: Make sure that you stir the rice every now and then or the bottom may burn.
You may add in pandan leave to cook with the rice.
Many people put the meat and rice and boil together right from the beginning. This will cause the meat to be very rough.
To use other minced meat, you do exactly the same as above. However, you have to wait for the rice to be cooked, ie, simmer for 25 minutes. Then you "scrap" the mince meat into your porridge quickly. Bring the fire to maximum, stirring gently and continuously and bring the mixture to boil. Once it is boil, the meat is also cooked. Serve immediately. Don't overcook the meat.

1 comment:

MaryMoh said...

Lovely dish. This would be so comforting in this cold weather here. I have unpolished rice but not brown rice. I can try with the unpolished rice. Thanks very much for sharing. Looks very delicious...mmm