Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Importance Of Relationships (1)
Share each other's troubles and problems.
Galatians 6:2 TLB
Johnny Cash recorded more than 1500 songs, had well over 100 hit singles, was awarded 11 Grammies and sold 50 million records. Much of the credit goes to his wife June, a committed Christian.
At her funeral Johnny's daughter said: "In her eyes there were only two kinds of people: those she knew and loved, and those she didn't know and loved. She looked for the best in everyone; it was a way of life for her. If you pointed out that a particular person was perhaps not deserving of her love, she would say, 'Well, honey, we just have to lift him up.' She was forever lifting people up. It took me a long time to understand what she did when she lifted you up. She would mirror the very best parts of you back to yourself. She was like a Spiritual detective; she saw into all your dark corners and deep recesses, saw your potential, and the gifts you didn't even know you possessed, and she lifted them up for you to see. She did it for all of us, daily, continuously. But her great mission and passion was lifting up my dad. If being a wife were a corporation June would have been the CEO. It was her most treasured role. She'd begin every day by saying, 'What can I do for you, John?' Her love filled up every room he was in and lightened every path he walked. Her devotion created a sacred, exhilarating place for them to live out their married life. My daddy has lost his dearest companion, his musical counterpart, his soul-mate and best friend."
That is the power of a great relationship!
The above is from The Vine. Please subscribe your own daily inspriational reading.


Kong said...

I tell all my sons the NO.1 criteria in looking for a girlfriend is that she must be kind hearted to everyone around her. Family, friends and strangers. It's useless if she only care about you and not those around her. I think that a universally good advise to give to your sons as well.

Kong said...

And btw, nice blog design. Much better than the old ones.

William said...

Kong, yes, I have to agree with you. For me, I need to say the same to my daughters!

My last blog layout was just an experiment. I think I felt so cramp and also the black coloured background looks a little too groomy.