Friday, May 02, 2008

CG Discussion - Bringing up Children
Proverbs 22:6 Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.

Tonight, my cell group discussed on issues related to children upbringing and touches on a real case:
Imagine that your phone bill over 3 months comes to RM1500 and you just found out that your young teenage daughter made all the calls. What would you do?
What the mum did was calling up the young girl and told her to be ready for slapping across the face so that all her friends will know that she has been "lectured". The questions for discussion here are:
1. Is this the correct way to discipline and will you do the same?
2. Whose fault is this?
My view is this:
1. The parents have failed to monitor the things the children are doing
2. Pay no attention to children hanging onto the phone
3. Failed to monitor household expenditure
4. Failed to teach the children about cost and expenditure
5. Punishment is wrong here. It is the failure of the parents. They have failed to teach and inform the children first. I am not saying that punishment should not be carried out. It should be done only when the child knowingly repeat the mistake.

What is/are your view(s)?
As usual, James cooked his favourite "Tom Yam Bee Hoon".

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