Sunday, October 04, 2009

Roses, roses...everywhere

Yesterday there was a wedding ceremony of our church member (Klaus Sim and Elaine Tiong). I didn't realise it until a few days before the wedding. Unfortunately, I have an earlier photo shooting appointment with my friend. So, I was at the wedding ceremony late.
There were so many roses, real ones, everywhere! The wedding was unique. The first thing that shocked me was the number of photographers (all pro looking) and videographers!

So many photographers! The paid pro uses an extra wide angle lens and he was at the front a few inches from the couple!
Petals from roses to be showered on the newly wed while on their way out.
Flower girl Serene.

Filling up a "pot of love"! (Sorry, I didn't know what was this called)
"Love forever sealed"
Michelle, Serene, Caroline, mum Irene
Chloe Ngu (Hieng Kiing's daughter)
So, with the number of pro, it gave me an opportunity to relax and see how others work! Will blog about it later if there is opportunity. Some of the photos are now on my facebook.


wenn said... them..i had roses for my wedding too..

Vincent said...

wedding season...

Canon SC said... season.. heard that next year it's not a good year to get wed. and my sis has to attend 5 ceremonies this month! OMG..buring holes in her pocket.

Cynful Pleasure said...

oh nice ones... :) congratulation to the newly wed

nice A said...

nice shots! my first time to see "love pot" in a wedding ceremony.