Monday, July 13, 2009

Navigation by Garmin GPS

This morning we drove from Nikko Hotel to Sime Darby Medical Centre. Ah Jon told me that he will never be brave enough to drive in KL. There are so many cars and they all cut in and out like crazy!
Even with the aid of Garmin GPS, we still make wrong turn. I think it is because Ah Jon is still not used to the system. Also, the GPS software may be faulty, eg, keep left and turn right. This is like cowboy driving! Oh, perhaps it means "keep left and turn right using overhead bridge". Never mind, we shall get used to the instruction.
What ever, we arrived at our destination, some 30 km away with just 2 errors and took 40 minutes. I think we did quite well.
We reached here at about 9:00AM. The doctor will not come in until 10:30AM and true enough, he arrived precisely at 10:30AM. Our turn will be about lunch time. The two little boys are now very restless, bored!


Anonymous said...

Hi William,

Interesting journey with Garmin GPS. Most important is Ah Jon and you arrived the destination safely.
May I know which map you use in the Garmin GPS and what errors you encountered?



flower said...

It's good that u drive rather than taking a taxi but KL so congest. With the help of Garmin GPS, definitely won't get lost.

William said...

Stephen, MFM (Malaysia Free map). It is quite good. Errors... I think it is more to the way we understand the instruction. So perhaps, we need to get used to it. More on human eror.
Flower: We won't get lost but takes longer time.

Anonymous said...

I can't comment on MFM as I'm with MSM. If you find it useful to your needs, that's good. Most of the times, it's human factors and getting used to navigation devices but our eyes are still the best navigation aid.

All the best.


William said...

Stephen, after 2 days of usage, my conclusion with MFM is that it is good! On the first day, the problem is understanding the jargon used.. eg, "keep right turn left" means take the right lane in front. After that turn into the left. This situation arise is when there is a Y road division/split in front.