Friday, December 19, 2008

Most expensive Dish Ever taken

We went to a restaurant in PJ Section 13 and had a meal there. The restaurant was very nicely decorated.. very classy. I think it probably cost some RM700K for the deco alone.
So, my host ordered something special...

Australian Abalone... Each person had only half of it! Two bites and that is!

Soon Hock... I called this the "mud devil" when I was a kid. My brother used to catch them by the bucket from the river behind our house. No one really wanted to eat them. Now... so expensive leh!

Ok, this is a "normal dish" - braised pork ribs

Chicken & ham with Vegetable ...


Look at the bill for the soon hock and Australian Abalone. I almost fainted! Oh ya, Phil mentioned about the Black Vine - thank God that we weren't served "Vine". Could it be Wine?
By the way, not all food served in this restaurant is expensive. They do have "bait" food like the abalone where they cost a lot. That is where they make the money. In the same way, we can also pay up to RM600 for a single dish in Miri... just order one of those exotic life lobsters. They cost RM400+ per Kg and a big one can easily weigh more than 1.5KG!

ok.. founded this photo of betutu fish or the so called Soon Hock.


Anonymous said...

I am guessing it's expensive! There's a general rule - the less food on the plate, the more they will charge you!

I noticed something on the bill... "Braised Pork Rids w/Black Vine". Am I right in saying that there is a typo and it's not in capital letters (unlike the rest of the bill items)? Maybe the placement student entered it in the system =)

I'm not bored, honest!

I Am Sarawakiana said...

Perhaps - Braised Pork Ribs with Black Vinegar according to the Chinese entry.

What is Soon Hock in Malay?

This is just food for the very privileged......and at your price.

The underprivileged have RM 2.50 nasi campur in the times of recession we can only eat a portion of what we earn...:) :)

People like you can always go for the 65 ringgit per bowl of dessert!! Cheers!

And perhaps your orders were taken with a PDA? And the waiters have ear phones and micro speakers?

But the photos do look nice.

William said...

Phil, you are probably right about the lesser the food, the more expensive it is.
Hahaha... you are very observance. I realised the "Vine" thingy only last night. So now, I wasn't sure what we were eating.

Soon Hock ... some of us called it "tutu" fish. It is a fresh water fish and looks very ugly. Maybe I will post a picture of it later. I am quite sure I have a photo of tutu fish somewhere.

You are right that they are food for the privileged. But I was told that during festive season, the place was full and they also have many wedding dinners. No wonder wedding dinner is so expensive in KL.
RM65 for dessert? I won't pay for it leh... hahaha
The waitress has no PDA or anything hitech but well dressed!

Thanks for all your comments. It brighten up my days!

Anonymous said...

hahahha.. woah.. i feel i know where that place is at.. HAHAHA.. lolx.. yea.. sometimes.. in our life.. we will need to pay for something like this.

I think Mirian's are Privillaged. And William how did it taste the food. =p

William said...

Luuee, I agree with you that it is good to give ourselves a treat once in a blue moon.

I would say that the food taste is "special". I was disappointed with the soup. They are ordinary and is simply not worth that much.

Kong said...

Oxyeleotris marmoratus, commonly known as sand goby.

Can be cultivated in captivity. I visited a Songkla University Thailand research center before.

Here is a pic

Kong said...

And do you know the No1. problem facing the cultivation of this fish?

They are SO lazy that they don't even want to eat so growth rate is slow. This is as according to the professor.

Eric was with me at the research center.

Anonymous said...

I was thinking the "rids" was the typo... should it be "ribs"? Also I didn't realise "vine" was a typo too ("wine"?) - I thought it was some sort of leafy vine! So that's two typos! Tsk tsk. You'd expect no typos for that sort of money, surely =)

William said...

Ya, you are right... really poor. Tsk Tsk... But they need to ensure that the Chinese is written correctly.
Oh, forgot to ask you , what happen to your blog?

I Am Sarawakiana said...

Dear William

Did the fish taste the same as the ones cooked in Bekenu? Just curious....

Interesting how bertutu is now so pricey!!

Merry Christmas.

Anonymous said...

William, I deleted my blog - to cut a long story short, me and my girlfriend split up recently. I don't know how, but I think she Googled me, found my blog and wrote a comment on it (not a nice one too). I closed it because I don't really want her to write those sorts of comments on it, so I just set up another blog anonymously.

I'll see if I can email or private message the address to you, I'm more than happy for you to come and read =)

Anonymous said...

hahahaha... yeap.. Once in a blue moon.. Esp at special ocasions.. the food is jus alrite.. but then because its a special day, they charge higher. Like valentines day. Aidi.. William.. haahahahahaha.. lolx.. This is a meal you've always remember.

William said...

Sarawakiana, I prefer the one in Bekenu - cheaper, fresh and bigger.

Phil, I know how you would feel... that is terrible. By the way, it is not difficult to find out your blog if she has access to your computer. All the urls are in your "history". She just drag it down and everything is in the open.

luuee... actually I do remember those nice meals... Like the RM650 lobster which my friend bought many years ago. hahaha... just enjoy myself.

William said...

Phil, ya, just e-mail me your new blog. My e-mail is in my profile or williamting(a)

replace the (a) with @.

Lilian Yong said...

I saw from one of the photos, this is Ah Yat abalone....Its nice, I miss it so much....

William said...

Lilian, you are right. It is Ah Yat. It was delicious and I like it too. But for RM90+ (after tax, etc), it has to be a treat of a blue moon.