Thursday, April 17, 2008

Marina Bay and Restaurant

17 April 2008: It seems that the area around the sea horse is quite popular for sightseeing, etc. It is also a perfect place to see sunset.

With luck, this is what you see! In fact, many people didn't realise that the most beautiful part of sunset is not just seeing the sun going down but the beauty of the light ray shooting through the sky for the next 20 minutes.
You know who they are! I set the timer on and put the camera on the railing.
ok, time to dine here again! Perhaps I (or who ever read this blog and responded) should ask for discount when I next visit them.
They now have a bigger collection of marine creatures for cooking to satisfy your hunger! Click on the picture to see an enlarged shot.

" Four colour cold dish". Costs RM138.00

Big head prawns, we ordered 8 of them and cooked in two different style. This is with cheese....
... and this is steamed with egg. This costs RM90 per Kg. Big head prawn can be very heavy. 8 of them weighed more than 2KG! So watch out!

This is a delicious mixed vegie dish. I counted so many Bei Kuo (is this ginko?) in there. This is expensive ingredient. Also a handful of almond flake. Cost: RM45
This is one of the "red fish". The fish was cooked in 3 styles - I prefered the portion fried with spring onion. Cost: RM160 per KG. Fish can also be very heavy. This fish weighed more than 2 KG.

A pot of tea. We ordered Jamine (I think) and cost RM10. Endless refill. There is one which tasted like wood. Can't remember the name.
Some of the lobsters, etc for you to satisfy your hunger!

As promised earlier, I would recommend the following way to order your food:
1. Go to the acquarium and select (or identify) your fish, crab, etc. The prices are all written out.
2. Order the quantity as appropriate.
3. Order your drink, etc. A can of Schweppes costs RM4.50. If you want to economise, order tea like we do. Dessert can be expensive at RM10 per small bowl.

With this info in mind, you can at least have an idea on the cost of your meal rather than getting a shock in your life, eg, you may be thinking of a 1kg fish and they caught a 2.5kg fish. When you order lobster and didn't ask about the price, you may be served with a lobster weighing 2KG at a cost of RM250.00 per kg!! Please note that this is just hypothetical. I am sure they are not unethical until like that!

Most vegetables cost RM45 for a large plate. Noodle cost just as much. I can't remember the cost for a small plate.

Taking about prices, I think it is very similar to the one in Pakan. But the problem here is that you don't have a feel of the size and overall cost if you don't ask. That is why I suggested that you should see first and order.

Food is fresh and cooking is good.

Anyway, they accept credit card now. So you don't need to pawn anything as security just in case you have not got enough cash.

My suggestion to the management is that they should consider giving out plain water for free like what some restaurants are doing. Making this extra money for selling plain bottled water for RM6.50 is not a very good idea. Haha... we all ended up in Ming Shop for drink after this!
Note: updated 23 April 2008. Prices have been adjusted. See another blog entry.

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